NASA Satellite Carrier Rocket 'Waterfall' to the Sea

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 6, 2011 | 1:16 AM

NASA Mission Taurus XL rocket launches carrying satellites to observe climate change on Earth failed miserably. Just a few minutes after launch, the rocket is'free fall' into the Pacific Ocean.

Not long ago, NASA launched the Taurus XL rocket carrying the satellite Glory, at 2:09 am local from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. Glory satellite will be launched for a three-year mission to analyze the impact of flying particles in the Earth's climate.

However, the mission takes a total of USD424 million, it was a total failure. Taurus XL only got to glide for several minutes before falling into the sea. This is the second time embarrassing incident occurred, after the same type of rocket also fell, 2009.

"This incident is very embarrassing. They missed something in the investigation (of the first incident) and the work they do after that," said professor Henry Lambright of Syracuse University was quoted as saying Yahoonews, Saturday (05/03/2011).

Mission NASA's environmental division, which took place frequently experienced failure lately. Analysts say the government's budget cuts to aeronautics and space agency that became one of the causes.

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NASA Satellite Carrier Rocket 'Waterfall' to the Sea

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